Friday, October 21, 2011

The Bitter-Sweet Season Of Chaos

As I may or may not have mentioned in a previous post, fall and Halloween are my absolute favorite time of the year. I believe I already explained the reasons I love fall so I won't bore you with the details of that again, however I will elaborate on why I adore Halloween. I just love to decorate my house up with all of the ghosts, goblins, tombstones, skeletons, spiders, cobwebs, witches, ghouls and who can forget the pumpkins!? An absolute staple for Halloween!! Ha ha And I love, love, love getting all dressed up in costumes, pretending to be someone else just for one evening..that is so much fun! lol Someone totally different, out of character from your normal self, if you are willing to step out of your comfort zone that is. It's only for one day a year, now I'm not saying I wish to be someone else, it's just all fun and games, to be silly is all. But the only fallback is that it does get quite hectic. Finding a costume, going to all of the parties getting children ready as well if you have any. I've so much going on beginning this weekend. I began my four day weekend yesterday on account of its our fall break. So I am going to what we call Witch stock where we all get together and dress up like witches and have a festival and there is a harvest. I've never been so I'm not quite sure what I'm up for to be exact but should be fun. Then next week begins a ton of activities..Friday I've a Birthday party for my best friend, Saturday another party then following that we are all going to the cinema to watch The Rocky Horror Picture Show, I am going as Magenta :) and following up on Sunday I've another party which is supposed to be really huge and should be a lot of fun. Monday, Halloween back to work and then pass out candy to trick or treat's for a bit and going up to my mothers for a family get together. And Tuesday it's all over...Another 364 days until it's back again! xx

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