Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Meshing well

It's been a few months since my last entry.. not a whole lot has changed other than the fact that I'm not very happy, I have a dear friend whom is not very happy either..I'm so grateful that I have this person to talk to because they help me see things differently I only wish I could do the same for them..they lost someone very close, that meant so very much and now they have a broken heart. I try so hard to say the right thing's but it just doesn't help...my unhappiness is due to my bipolar I just have to wait it out and see doctors and all of that bullshit. Anyway, let me see on a different topic, I wanted to go see Silversun Pickups and Muse so bad I could hardly stand it, but unfortunately I had no one to go with and I'm not one to go to things along..no thank you! I'm going to a gig next month though with my friend Kendra I've heard of the band, but have no idea what they play I'm looking forward to it though just to get out and socialize, oh the band is Flogging Molly lol, but it will be fun there will be about 20 girls going. Well I think thats all for today.

Bye x

Friday, February 19, 2010

Wild Flowers

location: in my mind, my head and in my dreams
mood: confused
music: Best of You - The Foo Fighters

They make me feel so free and happy, my head is so full of love and fantasy's...I wish I could run away and make them become a reality..I would risk it all if it was really known how much I felt and how much I care..if he only believed and i had an inkling as to how he felt..I would show him how I know how to love..he would never go unloved nor empty..I have so much love and affection to offer he wouldn't know what to do..but that is my job..I'm a babbling idiot, but I....I....I am lost in his words and in him...


location: floating, drifting, somwhere where you are..
mood: in love with love
music: a friend playing wonderful songs

Have you ever watched a sunrise or a sunset and the beauty of it was so overwhelming, but all you wanted to do was to capture it and hold it within your heart forever...I feel that way with so many things weather they be big or small, I find beauty in countless things and I cherish them so much..it could be such things as the universe and the gorgeous things in it, trees, lakes, fields of glorious flowers, the sky and my beloved dark with the light of the evening moon shinning...to a fantastic musician whose voice to me sounds like an angel and I can imagine to watch them play would be an absolute out of this world treat and I know they would be incredibly beautiful and so sexy..it drives me wild just thinking about it..god...I would love to be a bird for a few days so that I could fly across the world to another country..just to take a view of how others live and all of the beauty over there!..if only I could do the things I dream and long for...perhaps in another life!?